Friday, July 29, 2016

Why don't I hear from employers?

There are many reasons employers don't respond to your resume.  The short video below explores some of the reasons and what you can do about them.

A lot has to do with your follow-up process. The biggest mistakes job seekers make is not following up considently and properly.  Many job opportunities are lost just because the candidate is not 'top of mind'. 

What about you?  Are you not getting a response to your resume?

Read more HERE 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

LinkedIn Jobs Search First Steps


Using LinkedIn to search for your next job is essential for any professional.  Not only is it the largest professional network in the world, recruiters and employers frequently go to LinkedIn first when they begin looking for a new employee.   It is not an option to be absent on LinkedIn if you are in a career transition.

There is a real strategy to a LinkedIn jobs search.  It is much more than replicating your resume into your profile, although that is important.  You have to think like and employer or recruiter.  How would they find you?  What kinds of experience, skills, and keywords would they search to find someone like you?  These are considerations you have to make as you build or fine-tune your LinkedIn profile.

Profile Optimization is the first step.  A fully optimized profile contains these key elements:

  1. A professional business picture
  2. An attention grabbing headline
  3. Full contact information
  4. A WIIFM (the employer) Summary section
  5. Examples of your work (i.e...Projects section)
  6. Full work history filled with appropriate keywords
  7. Your Group and Interests
It usually takes several hours of work to fully optimize your LinkedIn profile.  However, this is an important first step when you begin a LinkedIn jobs search.

We recently interviewed the #1 LinkedIn trainer Trevor Turnbull about using LinkedIn for a successful job search.  CLICK HERE to watch the interview.

For more job search tips, advice, and ideas visit us on our other blog HERE.